© My Mothers Last Bed. Meg Lindsay. Oil on canvas
In her 80's my mother developed dementia caused by small strokes from A fib. When she died, the light coming in from the window next to her bed seemed to illumine her soul, her body emptied of suffering. I painted this in oil from memory that evening.
Meg Lindsay is an artist and writer whose paintings have been exhibited in juried shows and museums such as the Hudson River Museum, Silvermine Arts Center, etc. and private galleries. Her first poetry book “A Painter’s Night Journal” (2016 Finishing Line Press), deals with the emotions and process of painting over many decades. Her second chapbook “Notes from a Caregiver” (2020 Poetry Box) is about her husband's collapse from bone cancer. Lindsay has an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College; her poetry has been published in Salamander, Alimentum, Tricycle, the Connecticut River Review, Pulse and Intima (“Driving” 2018).