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Changing the Bag | Paul Shovlin

Feeling clean can restore balance, if only for a brief and wonderful moment.

Counting Yours | Meha Semwal Smith

In a stream of consciousness, a psychiatrist sees the full humanity of her patient’s symptoms.

Dear Rescue Worker | Joan Roger

A child’s gratitude is a lasting reminder to persevere after 9/11.

Death Certificate | Ramya Sampath

The time of death is not always easy to discern.

Inscribed on a Pill Box | Maya Klauber

When love is the real medicine.

Inside the Bubble | Ann Matzke

How we play to forget about the cancer.

Meeting My Stem Cell Donor | Dianne Silvestri

How would you greet the stranger who saved your life?

Omens | Ryan Boyland

When life and death are part of your every day work life, it’s easy to see ‘signs.’

The OR | Sumit Parikh

Paying homage to an overlooked OR team member.

Points of Historical Interest | Terry E. Hill

A doctor writing COVID-19 reports grapples with the lives behind the death counts.

Reversed | Elizabeth Osmond

What kind of life is possible for a newborn with persistent pulmonary hypertension?

What Adults Say or Do When Your 12-year-old Has Cancer | Claire Weiner

Navigating life with two children: one sick and one healthy.

Where Did She Go? (I Don't Know, I Don't Know, I Don't Know) | Maesha Elm Elahi

Watching how fleeting death arrives is a special kind of loss for a medical student.