Wisdom of the Ages: A Surgeon's Reflections on Writing, Vocation and Satisfying Endings

As I was creating Hal Winters, the character at the center of my short story, “Old Scrubs,” (Spring 2024 Intima) I imagined a rumpled, gray-haired, and unflappable older male surgeon who has seen it all. He heads to the hospital every day, goes through the motions and gets his work done without fanfare or fireworks. He hasn’t felt the spark of “why” he went into medicine for years but, as long as he remembers the “how,” he will keep plowing the same furrow.

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Leaning Close: "No more interventions. No more transfusions." A reflection on mortality and morbidity rounds by pediatrician-writer Laura Johnsrude

When I read “All Tuned Up” by Albert Howard Carter III (Spring 2021 Intima), I remembered a pediatric intensive care unit patient from my own 1980’s residency experience. In Carter’s poem, a medical resident presents a case during mortality and morbidity rounds. The resident is moved to tears as he tells the gathered audience about the death of a patient he knew well. A senior doctor “gently” offers context and says, “Maybe he was just tired.”

Mercifully, I’ve muffled memories from some of the deaths during my residency training in the pediatric intensive care unit. But I remember a slight girl of about sixteen with silky, wavy hair, lying in a metal-frame bed parallel to the wall against the window, in silhouette.

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Scripting Death: When Words Fail – In Conversation with Liana Meffert’s “Death is Usually an Easy Diagnosis” by Paula Holmes-Rodman

In reading Liana Meffert’s “Death is Usually an Easy Diagnosis,” I was intrigued by her reflections on the learning and limitation of choreographed roles and scripted dialogue in pronouncing death and informing bereaved families.

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Let Me Speak My Free Mind into You: Seeking Genuine Connection in Medical Practice

A medical student examines two poems published in this journal in order to advocate for genuine connection in medical practice between patients and physicians.

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Desensitization to the Face of Death: A reflection by poet and medical student Catherine Read

A medical student examines the desensitization that imbues the study and practice of medicine—and advocates against it.

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The Luxury of Walking Away: An MS4 meditates on time, isolation and the comforts of home

A medical student contemplates her roles as a physician-in-training and learns to appreciate the privilege she possesses—unlike her patients—in walking away from the clinical space.

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Savoring Sunset: A reflection on saying goodbye by physician assistant Sara Lynne Wright

A physician assistant ruminates about the cycle of life, of sunrise and sunset—and how we can better appreciate each waking moment.

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How a Doctor Learns to Act: A Reflection by Claire Unis, MD

“Am I becoming / something unfamiliar?” asks Lauren Fields in her poem My First Mask Was a White Coat” and in that simple question she brings back for me the struggle of becoming. With our first medical school clerkships we don white coats and mimic our preceptors: some false confidence here, a prayer for invisibility there. Silent reassurances never spoken aloud: It’s okay to pretend at doctoring. That’s how you learn.

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The Cost of Efficiency and the Price of Empathy, a Reflection by Jordana Kritzer MD

After the long hours and intense learning curve of my Emergency Medicine residency, I had become one of those efficient robots who could solve medical puzzles and save lives, but I felt empty, disconnected—the classic symptoms of burn-out. I was once a wide-eyed, empathetic intern constantly criticized for trying to solve their patient’s chronic issues. I remember one attending saying, “Figure out the least amount of things you need to do to rule out an emergency.” I see now that he was trying to teach me efficiency.

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Rooms with a viewpoint: The metaphorical power of hospitals and medical complexes in illness narratives By Priscilla Mainardi, RN

Rooms can confine us or give us a special place to inhabit.  Hallways and corridors can lead us where we want to go or lead us astray.  Two works in the Fall 2016 Intima, one fiction and one nonfiction, use these physical spaces to represent the emotional struggles that come with severe or mysterious illness. 

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History Lessons: What Doctors Learn When Doing Patient Histories by Natasha Massoudi

We learn in medical school to take full social, family and physical histories with a new patient. We use checkboxes to run down the list of points in each history. We are taught to be thorough and document each answer. Often though, between the checkboxes and lists, the patient’s story is forgotten.

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