Savoring Sunset: A reflection on saying goodbye by physician assistant Sara Lynne Wright

A physician assistant ruminates about the cycle of life, of sunrise and sunset—and how we can better appreciate each waking moment.

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Who Knows How the Body Turns? A Reflection on Lyme and Rheumatoid Arthritis by Sheila Luna

A writer living with rheumatoid arthritis finds companionship in another writer living with Lyme disease. Although these two diseases may be different, they continue to manifest in similar ways.

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What the Dying Need by Rachel Prince

Shortly after reading Vigil, I stumbled upon Sara Baker’s poem, “What Do the Dying Want?” (Spring 2015). In this work, Baker explores the titular question by wondering how healthcare professionals, hospice workers, or even caregivers and family members can properly address the needs of the dying – is the correct way through words and stories, reminiscing, music, meaningful touch, or just holding space and being present?

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To Be Healed by Olamide Adejumo

On the 31st of December 2019, a report was made by the Wuhan Municipal Commission to

the World Health Organization about a novel coronavirus through a cluster of cases of

pneumonia. This first-of-its-kind report subsequently led to series of global health crises that

ultimately led to declaring the coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern.

This pandemic has in the past years revealed the socioeconomic inequalities that have plagued

the country and are deeply rooted in racial disparities despite government efforts at ensuring

equitable distribution of resources.

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