A physician reflects on the uncertainty that comes with the study of the human body, and the unpredictability that comes with the pursuit of medicine.
Read moreThe Role of the Medical Television Drama in Cinemeducation
What is the purpose of the now-ubiquitous medical television drama in the age of pandemics? And whose voice does it center: the physician’s or the patient’s?
Read moreTo Enhance, Supplement, and Support
What is the physician’s role in the clinical encounter, and what is their responsibility to the patient? A physician reflects.
Read moreOn Witnessing Another’s Pain—Or Is It Our Own?
When one exists in close proximity to the pain of another, whose testimony is it? A scholar reflects on the shared experience that can result from suffering.
Read moreHands-On versus Hands-Off Medicine: Reflections of a Surgeon
Inspired by two pieces written by medical students, a surgeon reflects on his own experiences in medicine and the role that human touch plays in the clinical encounter.
Read moreThe Wisdom of the Pomegranate: A Reflection on Poetry and Mothers by Sina Foroutanjazi
The void, the empty feeling of loss; this is perhaps what connects Ceren Ege’s Dictum Wisdom (Intima, Fall 2021) and Pomegranate Protocol (Intima, Fall 2021) above and beyond their chronological relationship.
Read moreWhat the Dying Need by Rachel Prince
Shortly after reading Vigil, I stumbled upon Sara Baker’s poem, “What Do the Dying Want?” (Spring 2015). In this work, Baker explores the titular question by wondering how healthcare professionals, hospice workers, or even caregivers and family members can properly address the needs of the dying – is the correct way through words and stories, reminiscing, music, meaningful touch, or just holding space and being present?
Read moreTo Be Healed by Olamide Adejumo →
On the 31st of December 2019, a report was made by the Wuhan Municipal Commission to
the World Health Organization about a novel coronavirus through a cluster of cases of
pneumonia. This first-of-its-kind report subsequently led to series of global health crises that
ultimately led to declaring the coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern.
This pandemic has in the past years revealed the socioeconomic inequalities that have plagued
the country and are deeply rooted in racial disparities despite government efforts at ensuring
equitable distribution of resources.
Read moreWays of Knowing (and Not Knowing) When the Prognosis is Terminal by writer PK Kennedy
"Right in here, remove your clothes. Underwear and bra can stay on but put the robe on so it's open in the back, not the front, okay?"
The words are coming at me in a torrent; I can’t understand any of them, but I know the drill.
I throw my stuff in a bag, take a deep breath, and open the door to the inpatient surgical waiting room. It smells like alcohol and ice and has no memories I can sense. Am I the first person that’s ever come here?
“You’re here for the lumbar?”
I cut her off before she could say puncture. "Yes."
Read moreWritten in the Stars: A Reflection on Youth Cancer by Will Moody
For every young adult diagnosed with cancer, a time comes when we ask ourselves a question.
Why did this happen to me? Why now? They are not questions we want an answer to, but as humans, we crave finding meaning in our lives. We do it because the alternative is accepting that cosmic randomness determines our very breath.
Why did this happen to me? Why now? They are not questions we want an answer to, but as humans, we crave finding meaning in our lives. We do it because the alternative is accepting that cosmic randomness determines our very breath.
Read moreBedside Mannerisms: Finding the time to care by pediatrics resident Vidya Viswanathan
In medical training, there is an increasing didactic focus on empathy and professionalism. In many of these sessions, I have learned certain skills: Sit down at the patient’s level. Ask them open-ended questions. Don’t interrupt. Use an in-person, video or phone interpreter. These skills are helpful. But often, they run up against the great limiting factor in many of our clinical encounters: time.
Read morePalliative Care Shapes Stories of Death by Liz Morris
A progressive, terminal disease is a natural disaster. Whether it strikes with the unexpected swiftness of an earthquake or gradually subsumes everything in its wake like a hurricane – destruction remains the inevitable outcome.
Read moreOn Vulnerability and Transformation, a reflection on open hearts and medical training by hematologist-oncologist Jennifer Lycette
“Retrospection Series” (Fall 2019 Intima), Joseph Burns writes on undergoing open-heart surgery at age twenty-three, only two months before In he started medical school. At first, he is reluctant to share his story with his peers. “It was a secret that was contained within the walls of the physical exam simulation rooms.” But as his training moves forward, he is motivated by his experiences “to become the best physician possible…to be the one who provides care, love, compassion, and primarily hope in situations where all may seem lost.”
Read morePlaying Favorites: When Caregivers Recognize a Wider Capacity to Love by Flo Gelo
“The Favorite” (Spring 2021 Intima) by clinician Amy Tubay is a story about having one. It’s a story about the defiant heart—how certain patients enter our affections in ways that are largely mysterious. That love—a love that overrides rules and regulations—isn't something we pay enough attention to in the health professions.
Read moreCostumes: What a Plague Doctor Wears to Deliver Care by family physician Carla Barkman →
This past Halloween, I rewatched The Rocky Horror Picture Show and thought about costumes. Who here is truly in disguise? Is it Frank-N-Furter with his heavy eye makeup, corset and garter, or Janet and Brad with their buttoned-up blouses, white doll shoes and matching purse, who come alive only after they are stripped to their underclothes and made up, for the final performance, in drag? Sometimes we dress up as monsters, but perhaps more often we hide our quirky selves beneath bland cloaks of conformity, afraid of the attention an unusual performance might attract.
Read moreSirens and Hummingbirds: How Poetry Can Make Sense out of the Mundane by MS4 Anna Dovre
As a medical student, I've gotten into the habit of saving folded-up scrap paper from the hospital and stealing moments during rounds or lectures to jot down scattered words and phrases. They're things I can't get out of my head, like "white cheddar Cheez-its® and stale cigarettes" or "I'm not a bad Mom." Snippets that don't make sense on their own, but together they have a strange sort of alchemy. The distilled essence of a day's humanity. A tragicomic piece of found poetry. After my first year of clinical rotations, I decided to sit down and see what I could cobble together to find out whether meaning would come if I made space for it. What arrived was, if not meaningful, at least interesting, and it eventually became "Self Portrait of the Artist as Medical Student."
Read moreBeyond Acronyms: Contemplating what 'OLD CARTS' really stands for by Tulsi Patel
“OLD CARTS” is an acronym we’re taught in medical school to guide us on questions to ask to elicit a history of the patient’s illness: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating or Alleviating factors, Radiation (of pain), Treatment, and Significance. Although OLD CARTS is a helpful checklist initially, over time it begins to feel perfunctory, done to check off a requirement on the rubric. We ask many questions, and I am keenly aware I’m asking because I want something from the patient—I want telltale signs, any clues on the diagnosis, any information that the care team can act upon and use— I feel greedy.
Read moreGetting it Right, Even When it Feels Wrong: A Reflection by poet Ceren Ege
In his video “Inside Anxiety and Depression,” William Doan’s words “writing is drawing” were a reminder of my existence as a poet and artist, and how the latter is an identity I felt uncomfortable with for a long time. I squirmed at the creation of “art” out of another’s suffering, even though my father’s illness felt like the only thing worth writing about. Now I sit with a different question: whether anyone’s suffering is entirely separate. I think owning suffering defeats the very aim of why we move it to articulation—to release it, to divide the burden of it, and to comprehend it with others.
Read moreOut of Time? A reflection about illness and its toll on our past, present and future by Sophia Wilson
In her observant poem “Brain as Timepiece (Administering the Clock-Drawing Test to My Patient With Dementia)” (Intima, Fall 2018), Jennifer Wolkin describes the disordered clockface drawn by a patient with dementia: each number stands outside its perimeter like lost digits. The patient’s subsequent drawing of an ‘X’ over the wayward numbers suggests an erasure, not only of cognitive function, but of time itself. Time’s toll equates to a ‘crossing out’ of past, present and future as the ‘disease devours …organ tissue’.
Read moreRooms and Wombs and Writing: A Reflection on Stories Highlighting Life’s Impermanence by Patrick Connolly
I’ve come back to Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” so many times. He uses third person objective point of view to create a chill in a scene that could otherwise be exuberant and exotic. A train station, central Spain, a hot afternoon, people talking about their lives together, an unspoken baby on the way – and that is a problem.
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