Waiting: A reflection on anticipating a diagnosis by poet RN Amy Haddad

A nurse, poet, and educator ponders the lot of patients—one that often includes loss of identity, dislocation in time and space, and of course, waiting.

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The Chance to Say Goodbye... or Not: Thoughts about being prepared—or surprised— by death by end-of-life doula Virginia Chang

An end-of-life doula reflects on their experiences with dying patients and concludes by offering three life lessons.

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Exploring End-of-Life themes in "Nay Nay's Rebirth," a short story by Sara Lynne Wright

A retired surgeon reflects on a short story published in this journal—and in doing so, also contemplates how a comfortable and humane death can be fulfilled at the end of life.

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Savoring Sunset: A reflection on saying goodbye by physician assistant Sara Lynne Wright

A physician assistant ruminates about the cycle of life, of sunrise and sunset—and how we can better appreciate each waking moment.

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Who Knows How the Body Turns? A Reflection on Lyme and Rheumatoid Arthritis by Sheila Luna

A writer living with rheumatoid arthritis finds companionship in another writer living with Lyme disease. Although these two diseases may be different, they continue to manifest in similar ways.

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