On Work-Worn Hands and Gestures of Love, a short essay by poet and educator, Joan Baranow

A writer and poet honors the memory of her mother by finding the parallels between her own work and the story of another mother and daughter.

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Scripting Death: When Words Fail – In Conversation with Liana Meffert’s “Death is Usually an Easy Diagnosis” by Paula Holmes-Rodman

“A medically assisted death, such as I recount in my essay “Mercies, Or, the Mostly True Tale of a Narratively Assisted Death” (Intima Spring 2023), is the antithesis of a traumatic ending in an ER. It is highly anticipated, fully orchestrated and well rehearsed – on everyone’s part but my own.”

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On Sinatra, Bach, and Daughters: The Power of True Joy in the Face of Illness

A medical student reflects on the loss of their father to a devastating neurodegenerative disease as well as the power that music can hold during the illness experience.

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The Importance of Providing Compassionate Palliative and End-of-Life Care

A writer reflects on her own mother’s experience with death and dying and argues for the greater recognition of palliative care in the clinical encounter.

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Stories Make Us Human by Krista Puttler

“Ms. Paul, I can’t give you any more pain medication, it isn’t time.”

Edith’s eyes were closed. She was in the single patient room again, the one that had an anteroom with an extra sink that connected to her room by a sliding glass door. The residents always made sure both sets of sliding doors were closed before talking about her.

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Scripting Death: When Words Fail – In Conversation with Liana Meffert’s “Death is Usually an Easy Diagnosis” by Paula Holmes-Rodman

In reading Liana Meffert’s “Death is Usually an Easy Diagnosis,” I was intrigued by her reflections on the learning and limitation of choreographed roles and scripted dialogue in pronouncing death and informing bereaved families.

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Objectivity versus Art: A Reflection on Technology in Medicine

A physician-novelist ponders the troubling implications of the increasing technologization of health care and its encroachment on the art of medicine.

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Let Me Speak My Free Mind into You: Seeking Genuine Connection in Medical Practice

A medical student examines two poems published in this journal in order to advocate for genuine connection in medical practice between patients and physicians.

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